Book A Consult

Your insurance might cover up to 6 consults with me! I am working with the Lactation Network, I am in network with most Blue Cross PPO, Blue Shield PPO, Anthem PPO, UHC, Cigna PPO plans & all PNOA plans. *Note that PNOA plans will often appear alongside other payers on the medical insurance card like Aetna or UHC. If the card includes the PNOA logo, TLN can take it.

Once insurance is confirmed we will both receive an email & I will notify you with appointment times!


If your insurance is not covered I do accept out of pocket consults & can provide you with a form for possible insurance reimbursement.

Choose from a home, office or telehealth visit.

Consultations include a detailed care plan, a pediatrician report if requested & one week secure email support.

**I do require a deposit to book & a travel fee 20 miles outside of Yaphank.
